Saturday, December 13, 2014


I don't know about you guys, but this holiday season is moving so fast for us. It seems like Thanksgiving was just yesterday and now Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! Slow down December, I need more time to enjoy you.


Here is a look at our last couple of weeks:

Micah's parents came to visit the week of Thanksgiving, so we had the honor of hosting Thanksgiving dinner. My parents and my brother also joined us for the day. It was a cozy day filled with Macy's Thanksgiving day parade watching, cooking, eating, game playing and being thankful for it all and each other.
Micah's one task at Thanksgiving is the most important one, cooking and carving the Turkey. He did a wonderful job. The turkey was delicious.

Hours later, after we had gone from completely stuffed to still a little full, we had some pumpkin pie and caramel apple cheesecake. This was thanks to my mama, the dessert maker extraordinaire. 


I am under the completely correct belief that as soon as Santa makes his appearance at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, Christmas season has begun! So it may be of no surprise that the following day Micah and I, along with his parents headed out to find the perfect Christmas tree.
It didn't take us long to find the one that we wanted to bring into our home for the season. We rushed home to set it up and start decorating.

I hope the holidays bring you as much happiness as they do me. The lights, decorations, music, movies....I love it all.

 My handsome man placing the star on the top of the tree.

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy it while it's here!