Sunday, January 25, 2015

Christmas and New Years

Yes, I realize it is now the end of January and I'm just now putting up my Christmas and New Years post. The holidays are busy! And I can't believe we are almost a solid month into 2015....crazy. Time moves so fast! But that's what happens when we're so busy and having so much fun! Life....anyway, on to the pictures.

Gingerbread House

We tried our hand at building a gingerbread house this year. Yes, we did buy a kit, which to some would be considered cheating, but we wanted to see if we enjoyed it before we went all out making things from scratch. We had fun.

Christmas Eve

We still put cookies and milk out for Santa....we love Christmas. :)

Christmas Day

Opening presents!

On our way to my parents for Christmas dinner!

Some Christmas love.

Finishing the day off right, eggnog with my folks.

New Years Eve

We rang in the new year with some close friends. We played games and watched the countdown on tv. It was very low key and relaxing. A nice break from the big parties and hoopla that usually surround New Years Eve.
Happy 2015! Here is to the best year yet!