Saturday, November 15, 2014

Our October

I think October may be our favorite month in this house. Here is a look at our October and all the fun adventures we had!

Halloween is in October! What is there not to love about Halloween?!

Micah and I invited a bunch of our friends to come along with us to a pumpkin patch. This has become a tradition for us that started before we were even dating. 

These ladies are the best friends a girl could have. I am so thankful to have them in my life!

Here is the handsome group ready to find the perfect pumpkins!

Micah and I in pure pumpkin patch bliss!

Beautiful friends!

The men of the group. How silly....

Yum! Apple cider donut.

Fall is so beautiful! October in it's prime!

Pumpkin carving party!
We found plenty of perfect pumpkins to carve into jack o' lanterns. Another thing we love about October, so many excuses to get friends together!

I think they all turned out fantastic!

An idea I found on pinterest. These little guys definitely helped turn our house into the perfect spooktacular abode for our not-so-scary Halloween party.

But first.....

This is my most favorite part of October....
Micah and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on October 26th. Happy anniversary my love! You make life the best!

Just a few highlights from our not-so-scary Halloween party. Costumes, music, food, jack o' lantern grave yards and so on! Thank you to everyone who came and made it so fun!

We are now halfway through November and we can't help but get so excited for our next favorite holiday. While we love Thanksgiving and can't wait to celebrate with family, we may have started early with Christmas.......

We couldn't help ourselves! We have already had a dusting of snow and are expecting a few more inches today!

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