Sunday, February 1, 2015


I love my birthday. I always have. I love that it is one week after New Years day which is one week after Christmas. I get to continue the string of holiday celebrations a little longer that most. It's great! For my birthday, I usually take the day off, spend time with friends, pamper myself and go out for a fancy meal with my man. This year my birthday did not go as planned. I couldn't get the day off, my car broke down, we missed our dinner reservation, my dad had to come get us, there were white out conditions caused by blowing snow and by the time we got home we were so exhausted that we just called it a night. Not really my idea of how a birthday should go. Considering all of that I kept my spirits up and Micah and I decided we would declare the next day Birthday 2.0. Birthday 2.0 was a good one! :)

I still had to work so I decided to make it more special by grabbing a mint white mocha from Winans.

I got off work a couple hours early and headed to Scratch Cupcakery. I got the "Oh Happy Day" cupcake, it seemed fitting for the occasion. :)

And what is a day of pampering yourself without a stop at Sephora? I got myself a little gift of my new favorite perfume.

For the past 3 years we have gone to Orchard Green to celebrate my birthday. It is such a treat!

Micah being a moose....I think this was in response to us having just ordered the chocolate and peanut butter mousse for dessert. I love him. :)

And here it is.....whoah, this was good!

I was very excited...and rightfully so! It was de-licious!

Thank you Birthday 2.0 for making up for the first one. I'm looking forward to this last year in my twenties. It's going to be really, really great.

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